The 2017 team presented highlights from last fall's trip at All-School Meeting on Wednesday 2/28.
Interested in joining the 2018 Dominican Republic Service Team?
Applications are now being accepted for the 2018 DRST.
Dates: November 17-24, 2018
This is a short term service trip to offer support to displaced Haitians who live in the La Romana region of the Dominican Republic. Some of the Haitians are there because of the January 2010 earthquake, but most were bussed there by large companies to cut sugar cane. They live in sugar cane work camps, called bateys, and need basic life resources: shelter, clean water, food and medical care. The kind of work we accomplish in our week there will be determined by the size of our group and the amount of money we raise. Options include, but are not limited to:
• running medical clinics on the bateys,
• building houses,
• building schools, churches, homes, or latrines
• working on on-going projects at the Hospital
• teaching English, sports, or music classes to children on the bateys
If your student is potentially interested in being an EMT or is considering a career in a medical field (doctor, nurse, physical therapist, dentist, etc), this trip is a great experience!
Approximate cost per person (price finalized after flights are booked) is $1,700, includes food, dorm accommodations and flight. Each traveler also assumes responsibility to fundraise to cover service costs. Financial aid is available for student travelers, please complete the financial aid form that is part of the application packet in order to be considered.
• Must have valid passports and necessary vaccinations to travel to that region.
• Fund-raising activities and MANDATORY pre-trip education evening classes – May through November, 2018.
If a Watkinson student misses any of the evening classes for any reason, their participation in the trip is in jeopardy.
Our hosts will house and feed us at Casa Pastorale, dorms that are near the Iglesia Maranatha (the organization that hires the staff to feed us while there).
Who is eligible to go:
• high school students may go unaccompanied by a parent
• middle school students may go accompanied by a parent
• parents of any age student are welcome to join on this service trip, but parents of high school students will not be put on the same work projects.
Because we anticipate more applications than we can accommodate, be advised that priority will be given to students who:
• are Global Studies Diploma Students
• have facility with Spanish
• are traveling with a parent
• have interest in a medical profession
Your application must be returned to Ms. French no later than Tuesday at 3pm, April 3, 2018. A $700 non-refundable deposit (refundable only if you are not accepted to participate) is required with your application.