Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Great Day at Batey 50, the happiest place on Earth

On our third work day, all thirty of us went to Batey 50. It was really fun to all be together. Mr. Crosson has given our team a nickname: the Blue Force! The med team treated 140 patients and we distributed five duffel bags of shoes. One of the highlights of the day was distributing 14 baseball gloves and 18 baseballs to the boys of Batey 50. At the end of our day we got a big game going with both the residents of the Batey and our Dominican doctor, named Denny, was the pitcher!
Lauren Freisinger makes a special friend.
Drew P and Greg V play with some of the kids. Drew gave so many piggy backs that the kids nicknamed him "horse."
This is the house that is near completion. Today we will pour the cement floor.
Connor L makes a friend!
Ms. Boyle toasts the day with a cup of parasite med! (She didn't drink it!)
The construction team hauled cinder block to the new house we started to have the blocks ready for the mason.
Mr. Linskey kept the construction team productive today since the bus bringing the skilled laborers got stuck and was detained.
A good view of the new house we are starting.
We ended a hot and sweaty work day with a brief frolic at the beach. We all agreed that after swimming it was the cleanest we have felt all week!

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